Motor Claims
The Motor Claims Framework (MCF) was set up to provide a comprehensive service for all motor insurance claims. The MCF is fully supported by all insurers in Singapore and allows motorists to make motor claims in a simple, hassle-free and speedy manner, as well as bringing the added benefits of a greater pool of certified motor repair workshops and related services.
This simple guide will walk you through the recommended steps you need to take in the event of an accident. Follow them and you will find the claims process a smoother one because it works to your maximum benefit.
Key Points Of The Motor Claims Framework (MCF)
1. In case of accident, you should...
Exchange particulars of involved parties including Name, NRIC/FIN, Telephone Number, Address and Insurer. Take note of the vehicle numbers and do take digital photographs (e.g. MMS) of your accident vehicle which can be included during the e-filing of accident reports later.
Call your insurer's hotline for a tow truck or for further advice on the accident.
Report and bring your accident vehicle (whether damaged or not) to the approved reporting centre/authorised workshop within 24 hours or by the next working day.
Avoid all unathorised tow-truck operators or repair workshops.
2. The Benefits Of Reporting
By reporting the accident within the stipulated time, you not only enjoy hassle-free and quality-certified repair services as provided under the MCF, you will also avoid potentially higher costs from exaggerated claims.
All accidents must be reported to your insurer within 24 hours or by the next working day with your accident vehicle, no matter how trivial or even if there is no visible damage, and irrespective of whether you are claiming from any insurers or third parties.
3. Should You Fail To Report The Accident...
Should you fail to report to your insurer with your accident vehicle, you may find yourself in a position of having your claims prejudiced or declined later by insurers. Failure to comply with the new policy condition will be seen as being "in breach" of the policy terms and conditions, i.e. there will be no liability on the part of the insurer.
Any non-compliance of this Policy Condition will result in a loss of your No Claims Discount upon renewal of your policy.
4. Can I Still Use IDAC?
The Framework does not mean the end of Independent Damage Assessment Centres (IDAC). There is no change to the process at IDAC currently used by some of our member companies. If in doubt, you are advised to check with your own insurer on the use of IDAC.
5. How to Mediate your Claims?
Where can I go to settle disputes with my insurer?
If you feel you have been treated unfairly by your insurer, you should lodge a complaint directly with the insurer, and provide the insurer with your details (name, contact numbers, etc.), the specific nature of your complaint and supporting documents.
The insurer should acknowledge your complaint within 3 business days, and if necessary, request additional information from you within 7 business days of the date of your complaint.
Depending on the nature of your complaint, the insurer may need more time to attend to it. If so, the insurer should contact you and update you on the progress within 14 business days of your last communication, before proceeding to resolve the problem.
If you have taken these steps and still feel the response is not satisfactory, or if there is no response within the timeframes stated above, you should then appeal to the principal officer of the insurer in writing. You can expect a response to this within 14 business days.
Finally, if you are still unsatisfied after going through these channels, you can contact the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (FIDReC). FIDReC was set up to provide an affordable, independent channel for resolving insurance disputes involving claims between insureds and insurers of up to S$100,000 for both life and general insurance. In addition, FIDReC also handles motor third-party property damage claims of up to S$50,000. Its operation is provided for in the General Insurance Code of Practice.
How do I file a claim with FIDReC?
You may lodge your complaint/claim in person, by fax, post or e-mail.
Filing a claim and having a Case Manager review your claim is free of charge. If a Case Manager takes your claim up with the insurer concerned and is unable to facilitate a resolution, you can then refer your claim to an FIDReC mediator or panel of mediators depending on the size of the claim. If you choose to do so, you need to pay a nominal administrative fee of S$50.
The ruling of the mediator or panel is final and binding on the insurer, but not on you. If you are not happy with the ruling, you are free to reject it and pursue a settlement through mediation, arbitration or legal proceedings. However, if you accept the panel's ruling, this means you have chosen to give up your right to proceed with legal action against the insurer.
6. How to Claim against Foreign Motorist
The General Insurance Association of Singapore (GIA) would advise motorists to claim against their own policies, if they have a comprehensive policy, in instances of accidents with foreign motorists in either Singapore or Malaysia. This would save them the inconvenience of making a claim against motorists from another country.
However, if motorists wish to make a third-party motor claim against insurers in Malaysia, motorists are advised to seek recourse directly with the insurer concerned by submitting the following documents:
The claimant’s vehicle registration card (photocopy);
Certificate of Insurance, cover note or policy schedule (photocopy);
Identity card (photocopy);
police report;
a police sketch plan and key (if available);
result of police investigation (if available); and
proof of losses incurred
In addition, an adjuster’s report with original photographs, a repair bill and proof of payment, a rental-car bill (if the car was rented) and proof of payment and bills and receipt for other expenses incurred.
Registered post should be used when sending any original document.
If the action taken by a claimant against the motorist in Malaysia is unsuccessful after all avenues have been exhausted, the claimant can approach GIA’s Malaysian counterpart, Persatuan Insuran Am Malaysia (PIAM) or GIA at the following address:
Persatuan Insuran Am Malaysia (PIAM)
3 rd Floor, Wisma Piam
150 Jalan Tun Sambanthan
50470 Kuala Lumpur
Tel No: 0203-274 7399
Fax No: 0203-274 5910
General Insurance Association of Singapore
180 Cecil Street #15-01
Bangkok Bank Building
Singapore 069546
Tel No: (65) 62218788
Fax No: (65) 62272051
The PIAM and GIA will assist only after evidence is produced that all necessary actions have been taken to pursue the matter.
Should you have any questions, feel free to call your insurer for advice, or visit the MCF online at www.gia.org.sg
All the above Informations are abstracted from the General Insurance Association of Singapore